Posted by Stranger than Fiction at on November 23, 2003 at 10:41:32:
Mr. Smith,
It has been years, but I just wanted to say that I admired your work on Dogma.
Granted the Catholic league didn't really approve of the film, but then again it takes courage
to be non-politically correct in America. Anyway, speaking as someone who is searching for
faith in perhaps all the wrong places, or is just expereinceing the journey I enjoyed your
view on religion. I am envious that you could have such a medium as film to express your
own thoughts, and experiences. Anyway, I think I have done enough damage for now, so
good luck on Jersey Girl. From what I have read of your own accounts it seems like a new
direction for your filmaking. Fortune favors the bold, and other such nonsenese.
PS. Can't imagine how hard it was to write Superman without tights, wthout flying and
having him fight a giant spider.