Posted by AshFan at on November 25, 2003 at 12:00:14:
In Reply to: -->The 2003 in Review Poll<-- posted by Ralphy ™ on November 25, 2003 at 11:43:16:
: Give us what you believe is the...
: 1) Greatest technological advancement from 2003.
Molecular transitors
: 2) Popular word that you heard way too many times in 2003.
: 3) Best thing that happened to you in 2003.
Knocked my wife up with the help of a team of Doctors, and a turkey baster.
: 4) Worst movie you sat through in 2003.
Hmm... The Talisman I think it was called... with Jackie Chan... It's like they gave the footage to somebody's cousins discount editing company and just threw it together.
: 5) Most memorable moment for history from 2003.
Johny Cash Died.
: 6) Best complete album from 2003.
I have no clue... I like songs, not albums... is that good or bad?
: 7) Biggest opinion shift or change of mind you've had in 2003.
From, Bush is "all knowing"... to just "above average".
: 8) Worst idea anyone in power came up with in 2003.
To let Micheal Moore write another book.
: 9) Biggest difference between you from 2002 and you from 2003.
Sympathy weight, and I'm WAY less horney.
: 10) BONUS: Recommend something you discovered in 2003 that you think is underappreciated (i.e. book, film, etc).
Diskworld books by Terry Pratchert