Posted by H. J. Andrews at on November 25, 2003 at 16:10:53:
In Reply to: I can answer these posted by Deltron on November 25, 2003 at 15:56:34:
: "An angel, mentioned in Jewish apocalyptic literature.
"Apocalyptic literature" is a very broad category of popular (and rarely inspired) writing of the day. It can be likened to our modern genres such as "science fiction." Most proper names for angels originate outside of scripture and tradition. In the scripture, angels are mostly described by type (cherubim, seraphim).
: kabbalists believe him to be both the supreme sefirah and Enoch.
That is what I was looking for. So much nonsense comes out of Hollywood, including the religious flavor of the week: Kabbalism. Demi Moore, Madonna, and, I suppose, Kevin Smith? The one good thing about that is it may signify the death of scientology.
: The fact that Jesus was a black dude comes from where Jesus was
: supposedly born and where his parents came from. Everyone in the middle
: east was more black than white.
It would be more accurate to describe Jesus et al as "olive skinned" rather than "black" - The position "Jesus was black" is specific to liberation theology (or at least African-American LT). The description is related to God being God of the Oppressed, and the Oppressed are Blacks, therefore Jesus, and also God, must be Black. Feminists also make the same argument, replacing "Black" with "Female" which is another interesting aspect of Dogma. It contains elements from both AA and Feminist LT.
: A) Portrayed as human so it wouldn't look weird to the average
: moviegoer, and B) probably just for the no-dick jokes.
Granted, humans are all he had to work with, but I was thinking to myself that other day that if indeed Smith has an interest in Sci-Fi, angelic portrayals would have been the perfect opportunity to practice. He could have still had the angels take on the forms of Rickman, Affleck and Damon.