Posted by Slavei at on November 26, 2003 at 11:13:04:
In Reply to: Poll poll posted by AshFan on November 26, 2003 at 10:17:10:
: !. When you shave, do you use electric, or a razor... also do you get razor burn? Ladies, shave or wax... why?
: @. Has anyone put thier dick in a cooked turkey?
I'm sure they have, but not me.
: #. Who was cousins that they have always found hot? Will you be flirting with them this holiday season? Are you afraid of inbreeding?
Me...well not 'hot' but really cute looking. And I don't flirt with them either.
: $. Do you have a kooky relative who always make holiday gatherings fun? What kinds of wacky hijinx have they had in the past (IE: what makes them the characters they are)
Just me. Can't remember what I've done in the past. I was too cooked-up on valium to remember.
: %. What is the one thing at Thanksgiving dinner, that you wish was NOT served?
: ^. What is your favorite part of the dinner (food wise you sicko)?
: &. Is there someone's house that you always gather at for Thanksgiving? if so, who's?
In recent years, my parents.
: *. Do you alternate Thanksgiving's with different people? If so, who's is your favorite?
: (. Do people mull around and fall asleep after you eat?
: ). What do you like best... the meal... or the leftovers?