Posted by question214 at on November 26, 2003 at 19:05:29:
In Reply to: Two trailers I saw before Gothika.. posted by Gabe on November 26, 2003 at 18:54:02:
: Okay, this first one I just laughed at. If you've seen the flick CAN'T BUY ME LOVE with Patrick Dempsey from.. I'd say.. Ah fuck, I don't know.. mid 80's (?) Anyway. It's about this guy who's your stereotypical nerd, in an attempt to hang out with the 'popular kids' he makes a girl in distress an offer. He offers to buy her a new suede suite thing in exchange for her pretending to be his girlfriend for a week.. month.. something like that.. Annnyyyyyway.. There's a new movie coming out called LOVE DON'T COST A THING.. Think the EXACT same story-line but with a 'hip-hop' feel. Replace suede suite with a pricey SUV which dude-man offers to fix.. *sigh* I just thought that was funny and wanted to share.
: The next trailer I'm ashamed to admit something about. It's got Ashton Kutcher (or whatever) and I really want to see it. It's called Butterfly Effect. Anyway, it looked pretty cool. It's about a guy who can stop time, reverse it, so on and so forth.
: Goticka.. Decent.. 6/10.. Everything had been done before, a few good jump scenes. I advice watching Sixth Sense though.