Posted by GTJDorris at on November 27, 2003 at 10:00:19:
sort of mild spoilers if you haven't read BORN yet and plan to
Now, the Punisher is and always has been one of my favorite characters. The concept of him is someone I could identify with: take away something that he cares so unbelievably passionately about and you destroy him and left is a being only craving revenge and, well, punishment. However, I think this BORN story has got it all wrong. It's supposed to be a quasi-origin story (silly me I thought it had been told already) in the vein of ORIGIN. I hate the fact that he's this hardened rough bad-ass killer in 'Nam before that picnic gone terribly wrong years later. I was just wondering if anyone else agreed with me that Frank Castle just plain wasn't the way they depicted him in BORN but rather a normal guy, a family man, someone with a heart unlike the way he was shown. I just felt he was supposed to be an average family man, shit someone like me, that snaps after his family is killed. Anyone else agree/disagree?