Posted by Press Whore at on November 23, 2003 at 23:44:11:
Hi Kevin!
Below are a few questions that I wrote down as I thought of them. They span a period of a few months. There is no rhyme or reason to them and I was most likely drunk when I wrote a few, so please parden the silliness and randomness.
How did Jennifer give birth to Harley? The usual way with a needle in her spine or an alternative manner? If it was alternative… what did she do and why? Would she do it the same way again?
Mayo or Miracle Whip?
How much have you lost using Atkins since your last update of 40lbs in 3 months? What's your favorite Atkins-friendly food?
Do you ever go check out the talk backs over at NewsAskew? Why not post there once in a while? Us regulars would love it!
I’ve noticed that you entertain the idea of chugging cock quite often, but when a woman offers to chug yours, you’re suddenly pussy-whipped and use the ball and chain as an excuse. Why is that, Kevin? Extra-marital gay relations are ok, but hetro ones are out of the question? What if that woman who offered was Bisexual and wanted to give you AND your wife some luvin’? That way, no one is left out.
Is the reason Alyssa is not Bisexual because you do not believe there is a such thing? If so, why??? If not... then why/how is Alyssa Lesbian (other than for the plot) when she has loved (not just physically) both men and women which is the basic definition of "bisexual"?
Can I get a quote to put on my Bisexual pride Web store? Here’s the site: I’ve made 40 whole dollars, but with your endorsement, I could make up to $20 more!
I'm very, very poor and I don't want to go into debt (I JUST got out), but I'd like to make a film someday. What are the BARE minimums you would recommend for creating a decent film? IE- video camera vs. digital camera vs. film camera; camcorder vs. larger movie camera; additional sound equipment vs. using what's already on the camera etc, etc, etc…
Are you a cat-person or a dog-person? Or are you some other animal-person? Ferrets? Tarantulas? Iguanas? Budgies?
What do you think about DVDBears giving you a “Bear Factor” of 7.8? That’s a pretty high score! Are you aware of the Bear community? Would you consider yourself a bear? What do you think of guys (and at least one girl) who love you ‘cause you’re chubby and furry? Think of all the fans you’ll loose if you trim up and shave! Sure, not as many as if you keel over of a heart attack, but still… Anyway, did you read the review? ”The only beef with this DVD is that Kevin Smith needs to learn how to dress. Sure he might be comfortable or whatever in his sweat suit baggy outfit thing he has on, but seriously, wear something a little different every now and then, and be a little provocative, why not (if you're gonna talk dirty, then dress dirty).” What does he WANT you to wear, I wonder? Leather pants and leather straps across your chest?? Hehehehe I’d pay to see that!
Again, I apoligize for the randomness.