Posted by Runshouse21 at on November 23, 2003 at 23:47:12:
In Reply to: You are a doll, thanks! *nt* posted by fluffy on November 23, 2003 at 23:45:38:
: : : I was just wondering , after reading what I consider to be some pretty nasty posts
: on
: : : YOUR board, do you ever get angry at some of these people?
: : Nah. Message board flames have to be taken in a different context than insults
: hurled in
: : person. It's easy to bitchslap a dude from the comfort of your (parent's) basement;
: given
: : that, I tend to take board attacks with a grain of salt (the compliments I take with a
: pound of
: : salt). It's much more difficult to hurl a verbal insult at someone who's looking right
: at you
: : than it is to splooge anonymously in cyber-space. So if someone was to get up
: and tell me
: : the things they feel secure enough to write here, I'd lend their thoughts more
: credence.
: : It's kinda cute how bold folks'll get when they know there are no repercussions to
: their
: : slams. However, you take that same person and stand them in front of me, they
: wouldn't be
: : nearly as cavalier. In fact, they'd say nothing.
: : : They sure make me mad.
: : Let it drift. I do. I've got my health, my wife, my kid, my career, my home, my
: friends, my
: : family, and a fan-base. If folks wanna piss into the wind, why should I feel bad
: when it
: : blows back in their face?
: : : Are you almost back in your house?
: : I'm back in my house (though not tonight; tonight I'm still in Texas).
: : : I remember you saying that would be somewhere around Christmas.
: : We've been in for about three weeks now. House looks better than it did prior to
: the flood.
: : :Oh and that was one outrageous Roadsides Attractions
: : Thanks. We continue to push that "Tonight Show" envelope... or so I'm told.
: : : Thank you Kevin for making us laugh and think.
: : Thanks for giving me the opportunity.
: : : Oh and I love the comics...never stop doing that.
: : I won't... so long as I can take months (even years) off between issues.