Posted by Lokileby at on November 24, 2003 at 02:14:55:
A little late (both from release and late at night -its 2am here) but here goes.
I was disappointed.
Not as disappointed as many but disappointed nonetheless.
I thought that the series went slowly downhill for me. Reloaded was good but was missing the depth that the first one had. This one was also good but was nearly completely void of that depth.
Now I will talk about the depth. I was disappointed with the fact that the entire series of films was based out of a Hegellian (sp?) view of history. For those of you unfamiliar with Hegel (I am getting the philosopher right here am I not? It's been a while) he believed that history was made up of struggles between two sides. He called these the thesis and the antithesis. One is necessary to have the other, but together they create conflict. The fact that Neo and Smith are the thesis and antithesis I found really disappointing because it oversimplifies in my mind.
I thought the ending was good, and it was probably one of the best resolves there could have been. However the Oracle's last line about seeing Neo again I found to not be suspenseful. I found it to be a damn copout. It just reeks of reincarnation which completely ruined the purpose of these movies.
I also would have liked to have had more stuff happen in the Matrix and less in the real world. That was what made it cool. Seeing those mech-type droids fighting a never ending stream of "calamari" (as they called it in the movie) was pointless. Essentially the entire battle for Zion was useless.
I think if they were to have combined the two movies and editted them as one movie, and cut it down to 3 hours or so it would have made a better movie. I would say about half of Revolutions was useless and a small bit of Reloaded was too. Cut down the battle for Zion, cut down the two ships finding eachother, and other parts and it would have made a shorter higher quality movie.
And decidedly my favourite character in all 3 movies is the Oracle's body guard. Loved him in the first bit of this movie. Just amazing.
Loved the first one.
Loved the second one in a different way.
And I enjoyed this, the third one, but I thought it was a bad way to end this epic trilogy.
I'd give the first one 9/10, Reloaded 8.5/10 and Revolutions a 6.5/10.
Overall though that still makes for a damned fine trilogy at an average of 8/10.