Posted by jwc1138 at on November 24, 2003 at 02:49:26:
In Reply to: Disapointment at Wizard World posted by Vida on November 24, 2003 at 02:18:37:
It was REALLY funny, the material that Kevin came up with. For everyone that wasn't there, this is kinda what happened:
Kevin calls on a guy for the Q&A. The guy comes up to Kevin with two plaques (for him and Mewes), and has a little speech about how they're the group of STORMTROOPERS that were at the convention, and the plaques are to bestow upon them honarary positions as Stormtroopers. Kev was kinda stunned "Cool, I'l hang this... somewhere" "Have you guys EVER been laid?" "I can just see it my wife will look at the plaque and say 'Oh you won something'" (reads the plaque) "'Oh great! Now you're a fucking STORMTROOPER too? I's bad enough that you're Silent Bob'"
Kev went on to poke fun, and ask about girls, to which I believe one of the troopers replied that when they have the costume on, the girls flock to them, and the guy went to show Kev a picture of one of the girls that is a member of the 501. So he shows it to Kevin, and it was a DRAWING of a girl, which was just fucking hilarious.
So there are 2 points to this post.
1. It was REALLY funny.
2. Wear your costume for yourself, if it makes you feel good. And if someone makes fun of you (which they will if you wear a stormtrooper costume), expect it and let it slide off your back man.
PS. It was REALLLLLY funny.