Re: POLL - Movie Endings

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Posted by "The Swingset Scene" at on December 09, 2003 at 12:04:57:

In Reply to: POLL - Movie Endings posted by PantherModern on December 09, 2003 at 10:40:08:

: 1. What type of movie endings do you like? (Brutal reality, the Hollywood happy, etc...)

-Some things wrapped up, but questions remain, and the future is unclear.

: 2. What is your favorite movie that gives you that SPECIFIC type of ending that you so-enjoy?

-The Big Lebowski is a perfect example. The whole side story of the rug thingy has been taken care of, BUT are they going to win the fucking bowling tournament?

: 3. What movie ending irks you so bad that you practically want to claw your eyes out?

-Planet of the apes. Wait, that was the whole thing.

: 4. How would you have seen that movie (as mentioned in question 3) end, if you had the power to do so?

-The main character would have gone back in time to the point where Burton decided to remake the flick, and would have made him do Nightmare Before Christmas 2! Or, at least another flick with similar animation.

: 5. Have you ever walked out of a theatre, not even caring WHAT the movie ended like, and asked for your money back? What movie?

-Yep. Changing Lanes, Planet of the Apes, Sum of All Fears, and that DMX movie with the asian guy.

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