Posted by tommybruce at on December 09, 2003 at 12:15:13:
In Reply to: Last night I watched a "Full House" re-peat posted by The O~* in Phantoms on December 09, 2003 at 11:15:48:
Used to watch it all the fuckin time in my youth. And I still catch the reruns once and awhile. Why you ask? I guess I'm a sucker for cornball jokes and fictionalized family wholesomeness. My dad loves to point out that five minutes before the show ends, someone has a stupid problem, they talk about it with someone while that creepy melodramatic score swells in the background and then they hug as the audience goes 'awwwwwww.'
Favortite joke ever:
Back in the late eighties where 2 of the sisters were dressed as Batman and the Joker for Halloween (was during 1989 Batmania), and the dad catches them hugging and says 'Awwww. Batman and the Joker hugging. That's how the movie should have ended."
Being a comic book/Batman fan, that was pretty funny