There are cultures within races. n/t

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Posted by Slavei at on December 09, 2003 at 23:30:42:

In Reply to: Minstrel shows were IMPOSED on black people posted by JCEFalconi on December 09, 2003 at 23:03:11:

: they had no choice but be in those shows written by and for white people if they wanted to be in showbussiness.
: SOME black people saying stupid shit for money is different now, because they choose to say that stupid shit. Nobody forced Snoop to start the "izzle" fad. They could've gone and taken other harder routes to gain success.

: Besides you're giving to little credit to black people in america, it's stupid to assign a whole race a culture, like saying that each race has a certain "culture" exclusive to them. All black people aren't the same, and all white people aren't the same either. If a person chooses to act and speak like a dumbass, then it's HIS fault for CHOOOSING to act and continue to act that way.

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