Re: Minstrel shows were IMPOSED on black people

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Posted by Deltron at on December 10, 2003 at 00:57:08:

In Reply to: Minstrel shows were IMPOSED on black people posted by JCEFalconi on December 09, 2003 at 23:03:11:

The point was that because of the bullshit we're seeing, the average white American's idea of a black man (not counting his son's one black friend or the one black dude at work who acts like a white guy) is what he's shown on TV. They see the bullshit with ol' Snoop or 50 Cent talking about how he's a fucking cat, or Tupac pretending he DIDN'T study ballet in school, and that's what they consider black. Loud, drunk, violent, and obscene.

Add "whimsical" with this new Snoop fad, and that about wraps it up.

And I agree, it IS stupid to assign a whole race a culture. But until people stop seeing white kids listening to rap music and automatically think "what a fucking wigger" or until they (once again, who they are, I've no idea) stop reminding people just how BLACK they are, not a god damn thing is going to change. Not a THING.

It could have been about the old "Chinese = smart" thing, but I haven't seen any goofy chinese dudes with pocket protectors since Saved by the Bell.

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