Posted by AmyMichelle at on December 10, 2003 at 17:26:50:
In Reply to: TV Poll... posted by grizzly on December 10, 2003 at 15:17:59:
: How many tv's are in your house/hovel/cave? two
: How big is your biggest TV? not really certain...not a big screen, but pretty big
: Plasma or LCD? Plasma
: did you, like me, spend more on your TV than you did on your car? Oh is just a tv
: If you had to watch one channel for the rest of your life, which one? FX
: One program for the rest of your life, which one? The Simpsons
: Do you ever watch watch movies that have been re-edited and formatted to fit your screen
on basic cable? I know which ones have bad pan and A League of Their Own...and
skip them
: Why do you love/hate reality shows? Hate them...Reality sucks enough, why would I want to
watch someone else's suck-fest
: If you had a tv show, what kind of show would it be (sitcom, reality, drama, etc.) , and who
would you get to star in it (besides yourself of course) ? Sitcom...I've always felt life needs a
laugh track
: What percentage of television programming is unwatchable crap? 80%
: Telemundo...yay or nay? Si
: and lastly, have you ever masturbated to scrambled porn? No, but when I was a teenager
someone told my dad you could record scrambled porn and it would come out unscrambled.
He taped 6 hours worth of the Playboy channel and was really peeved when he had a 6 hour
tape of scrambled signal!