Kevin Smith's Boo Boo Part II!

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Posted by tommybruce at on December 11, 2003 at 20:27:55:

"Vincent - Without whom, I'd still be watching movies instead of making them."

You all know Vincent Pereira here. He's a very crucial lynchpin in our operation. Indeed, it was Vincent who first presented film to me as something not just to be viewed. Vincent introduced the possibility of MAKING films to me (so if you hate my shit, blame him).

We were working at Quick Stop at the time. Vincent was, as some may have gathered from the 'Clerks Christmas Special' comic, the mop-boy. He'd come in at nine every night to mop the floors and stock the milk, but he really aspired to run the video store (granted, he aspired to much more than just that, but as he was in high school, the video store would have to suffice for the time being). We didn't really speak for the first few months I worked at the Stop (he preceded me there by a bit), but when we finally struck up a conversation, it was over movies and t.v. - particularly 'Twin Peaks', which was on at the time.

Vincent was then, as he is now, a HUGE film buff. I loved movies, but I merely loved watching them. Vincent LIVED movies - not just seeing them, but the technical aspect of film as well; the art. The man knew how movies were made, knew his aspect rations down to the digit, knew the craft inside and out. In fact, it was Vincent who first introduced me to letterboxing and laserdiscs (I remember arguing with him that a letterboxed disc wasn't as good as a cropped VHS tape because so much of the image was left off the disc; what can I say - I was then, as I am now, a virtual idiot when it comes to the language of cinema). Anything I know about film-making I pretty much owe to Vincent (writing I owe to God).

In fact, it was with Vincent that I first trekked into the big, scary city that is New York to see 'Slacker' - the movie that would kick my ass into gear. We'd go to Manhattan after work on Fridays or Saturdays to devour flicks at the Angelika midnight shows, and lived by the Village Voice movie time-table (funny story: Vincent and I went to see 'Bad Lieutenant' once, and I put my bag - the thing that I carried money, bills, checks and a notebook in - in his trunk, as well as a scrapbook I was working on for a friend; when we came out of the theatre at two in the morning and headed for the car, we saw a box on top of Vincent's car that looked like the box I had the scrapbook in; in fact, it WAS the box - the car had been broken into, and the thief took everything, but left the scrapbook; the irony is that the notebook in the bag had my earliest rumblings of 'Clerks' in it, back when it was called 'InConvenience'; I can already hear the detractors saying "That must have been the GOOD version of the script.") Driving home from those weekend viewings, we'd talk about flicks we'd like to make, dreaming of a career in the field we loved (though, admittedly, he loved it more).

Vincent was the first person to read the scenes that would become 'Clerks'. He encouraged me to finish the script and shoot it. In fact, Vincent's responsible for the title. He came up with a list of possible titles based on the pages he'd read (which I still have somewhere). Some of them were esoteric ('The Man Behind the Counter' - a variation on 'The Man Behind the Sun', a fave flick of his at the time), and some of them were a little on the nose ('Stupid Customers'). One spoke to me a bit more than the others ('Rude Clerks'); the rest is history.

Point is, I probably wouldn't be doing what I'm doing, were it not for meeting Vincent. He was the first person I'd ever met who aspired to something that most people thought improbable (most of the cats I knew then lived in the moment; Vincent lived in the future, and dared to imagine for himself a life in a field most people don't have a chance in). I've long considered the man our official Historian at View Askew. I've long considered the man a far more gifted director than myself. I've long considered the man a trusted confidant and advisor.

And I've long considered the man one of my best friends.

Which is why I feel like such an asshole that the intended thank you is not up there on the screen at the end of 'Dogma'.

My deepest, deepest apologies, Vincent, for what was a mistake that I should've been on top of. I should've re-read that thank you list one more time before we shot the credits. I'm a bonehead. My bad.

But know that you're the guy who started it all. You're the guy who I look to for the deciding take sometimes (for any who question this, ask Mosier; our editing room mantra on every cut was "What's Vincent think?") And while Vincent does have a technical credit on the back end of the flick, he deserves so much more. Next time, you go first (after God, of course). Promise.

I love you, Vincent, and, again - I'm really, really sorry about the fuck-up. I owe you one.

You know, now that I think about it, 'Stupid Customers' wouldn't have been so bad a title.


I don't want to be an ass...but take a look at J&SBSB's credits...

GOD - He Who makes it all possible
JEN - She who picks up His slack with patience, love and lust
SCOTT - Without whom, I'm nothing
JAY - Without whom, there's no movie
BOB - For Saying "Take'em out of Jersey"
HARVEY - For Saying "Kevin and Scott are making a movie where?!?"
MOM AND DAD - The best parents a guy ever had
GAIL AND BYRON - A close second
HARLEY - For her never-ending fascination with poo-poo
GORDON - For the same
JAMIE - For shooting the best looking flick we've ever made
JIM - For scoring the best looking flick we've ever made
SLOSS - who coined the phrase "It's Dogma without the religion."
RASKIND - who coined the phrase "I'd fire Sloss for saying that."
AFFLECK - Once more into the breach, dear friend
MATTY - who didn't charge nearly as much as the breach guy
LEE - who did double-duty
BRIAN AND JEFF - who did it yet again
PHILBERT - for sound editing advice
VORDO - for sound editing advice
TIM - who kept it all running smoothly
LAURA - who kept it all running smoothly and under budget
GOOSEBERG - for C.G.I., there's no better man out there
SUE - for you, there are better men out there
THE CAST - who elevated a bunch of dirty words with their talents
THE CREW - who elevated everything else, with a smile
BRYAN - who laughed at "Give me the map Scott!"
WALT - who laughs at Bryan's expense
GINA - for coming back
MONICA - who makes Scott come - to work, you pigs. To work.
MING - He's the deejay, I'm the rapper
BRAD AND CHRIS - they're the wheels of steel
JIM MCLAUCHLIN - the wizard of Wizard
AINT IT COOL MIKE - the Cool of Ain't It Cool
CHAPMAN - who's merchandising my kid right into private school
CAROL - who's keeping it all accounted for
MATT WAGNER - for the logo we've gotten a lot of mileage out of
OEMING - for the artwork we'll milk to death
THE FOLKS WHO POST AT WWW.VIEWASKEW.COM - for the never-ending kind words
THE FOLKS WHO POST AT AINT-IT-COOL-NEWS.COM - for the never-ending abuse
HAWK & PIERSON - for starting this whole mess
MALCOLM - the best sport outside of hockey

Kev, you did it again. Hopefully it;s not to late to thank Vince on JG if you haven't already.

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