Posted by Lithmick at on December 08, 2003 at 10:39:28:
In Reply to: Poll... posted by zeta on December 08, 2003 at 10:11:07:
: 1. Name 2 things that get everywhere when you use it.
Post-its, and staples. (at work..home, probably just toothpaste. I seem to have control issues with dispensing a proper amount on my toothbrush.)
: 2. Ever looked back on an old partner and thought-what the fuck was I thinking? If so-why did you think that?
Um..not really. I mean, I could have made a couple of better judgement calls, but I don't really regret anything. It's all in the past anyway.
: 3. Xmen 1 VS Xmen 2.
Haven't seen either, actually. I know, I should go out and rent 'em.
: 4. Whats the MOST annoying pop up you've ever recieved?
Usually the ones that have the fake-out X, so instead of closing them, it sends me to some gambling site. HATE THEM.
: 5. WHAT do YOU want for Christmas this year and do you think You'll actually get it?
Nothing I don't know.
: My first poll!