Posted by shitty speller...DEAL WITH IT! at on December 08, 2003 at 11:22:52:
I wanted to post this yesterday, but i haven't been able to access the board from my home for a while. rather strange. anyway, I sat next to sean lennon. It had to be him. It looked to much like him not to be him. He looks so much like john its amazing. Wierd al was there. he didn't look like happy al. he looked like middle aged, huge bags under his eyes, wierd al. but im sure it was him. He sat 2 rows in front of me and sean. I turned to sean and said "hey is that wierd al!" and he turns to me and says "hes a genius!"
and then the movie began....
folks, im not kidding you here. Return of the king is the most amazing, dazzling, beautiful, heart aching, scary movie ever made. it is essental a 2 1/2 hour action film. It begins with a flashback to smegal (very cool flashback i must say. Smegol's newly rotting theeth biting into a fresh catfish is something I won't soon forget)
the first 45 minutes to an hour of the pictre is really good. some what slow and rather confusing imo, but still a worthy chapter to the other two movies. (I heard a man leaving the theater and saying "the first hour was boring, but the last 2 were great!)
Then we come to a place called Miras Tirith.
Nothing you have ever seen in your life will prepare you for this nearly non stop over 2 hour battle sequence. this battle makes helm deep look like a poor episode of power rangers.
You think you have seen everything and then something new comes. New bad guys, more characters, more fire, more elephant creatures, more everything. Unbelievable.
This is not a movie you watch. its one you experience. There were so many helicopter shots, zipping over, around under through and all the over the place I felt like I was on a roller coaster. Never before has an action movie gave me that feeling of dread and that rush that a roller coaster provides. The film is unspeakable. Nothing I will say can even compare to what you will see and feel come the 17.
rated pg13 for violence.... uhhh violence? Yea that might have worked for the first movie, but not this. This film is very, very violent, tinkering very closly to an R. People get trampled, cut, dashed, bashed and mashed. Minimal blood, but far far far far far more violent then the first two movies.
and scary images? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh There were two sequences in this movie thta will freak you out like you have never been freaked out before. as an avid hater of all things archanid, I must say Shelob's sequence scared the hell out of me.
the film wraps up beautifully. we get about 20 minutes of ending, showing what happened to some of the characters. It goes on long, but its necessary. It seemed more like scenes from the extended cut, but i'm glad it was all on here. YOU WILL BE IN TEARS BY THE END.
The cast is all excellent as usually. Aragorn isnt in this one as much as two towers. Legolis and Gimli are barel in it at all, though legolis does have a scene stealing moment. Gandolf is in it a lot, as is frodo and sam. Gollum is in it a bit as well. His effects look even better than two towers. when you see him dirty you will be amazed. but the big character here is sam. sean austin deserves an oscar nod big time. You will come to love Sam by the end, I gurantee it. Merry and pippen are in it as much as the other films, yet they didn't bother me as much in this one.
If you took the fellowship of the ring and the two towers and put them together and squared them, you would barely get a morcal of what ROTK is. Do not expect to see FOTR or TTT when you see ROTK. Cause your gonna get something totally different than what you can imagine.
the film runs 3 hours and 20 minutes, give or take a few minutes. I URGE you to sit through the beautiful credits. Sit there, listen to the music and soak in what you just saw. The credits are beautifully animated for the first few minutes. once it begins the traditional scrolling credits, then you can leave and urinate.
You will not see a more powerful, more astonishing movie in the history of cinema. Mark my words, this ones a keeper.