Posted by jkm822 at on January 19, 2004 at 01:13:36:
In Reply to: No kiddin' posted by Young Nasty Man on January 19, 2004 at 01:05:19:
: Heh, I'll have to check that out soon.
She doesn't post often, but she always informs us of relevant information, and often settles stupid arguments. She fucking rocks, man. We work very hard not to scare her off - she's the only really official info we get, sometimes. Sony is woefully suck-toy when it comes to updating the D site.
: Yeah, I've heard trainwreck, they were coo. Just saw school of rock a little while back and loved it, went and bought the "complete works" dvd the other day. So I've been gettin' my fill recently, I'm just ready for some new material is all.
Embarassingly, I haven't heard Trainwreck yet. There's downloads available (legally, from the T-wreck site), but my computer's been a bit weird about the whole thing, so I haven't got any. They're playing in Manhattan next month, which I'd LIKE to go to, but even though advance tix are only $13, money's so tight that I really can't afford the ticket coupled with the cost of the train into the city. That may yet change, but who knows? I also haven't seen School of Rock - I'm willing to wait for DVD on that one.
I do, however, have not one but TWO copies of the Masterworks DVD (one that I bought, and one that the production company sent me 'cause I'm so highly placed in the D pantheon... well, actually because my co-mod asked them to. They also included a copy of the D Fun-Pak, which gives me a grand total of 2 of those, as well). Have you found the Easter eggs, yet?
I wish there were new material, too. We all do. Unfortunately, they're busy guys. The stuff that went on the album was stuff that they'd been working on since 1996; I guess getting a second album within 5 years is all we can hope for.
: Ah well, good things come to those wh... yadda yadda yadda.
Yeah, that's what they say. Personally, I'd rather have a new album and a tour NOW NOW NOW, but unfortunately, they don't listen to l'il ol' me....