Posted by PantherModern at on January 22, 2004 at 08:11:52:
In Reply to: Things I've seen Poll posted by Will Turner, Karaoke King on January 22, 2004 at 06:25:01:
: Have you ever seen...
: 1. Two lesbians in a bed?
Sadly yes.
: 2. A cloud that looked like Bill Pullman?
No, though I always lie and tell people that I did.
: 3. A peacock in the middle of the street?
Again - no.
: 4. The pope?
No, though I think of him much in the same light as I view the moon landing. Smoke and mirrors on a Hollywood set.
: 5. A celebritiy in Starbucks (if so who?)
No. I dont go to Starbucks.
: 6. Diet Cherry Coke?
Yes, sadly. Then I learned that Diet Cherry Pepsi exists (sorry, Ali)
: 7. A nun on a bicycle?
Yes... but then it turned out to be Pee-Wee Herman.
: 8. Any other board member in person?
Many. Yes.
: 9. A penguin?
Yes, in the zoo.
: 10. The point to this poll?
Not really, but I still did it.