Posted by Elfy at on January 24, 2004 at 19:58:32:
In Reply to: celebrity guilt poll posted by shitty speller...DEAL WITH IT! on January 24, 2004 at 19:47:08:
: Guilty or innocent?:
: Martha Stewart of insider trading...who cares, really?
: Fred Durst of making shit music..meh. Some people like it so it's probably not all shit. Not my style of tunes..but not shit.
: Jack White of beaing the shit out of some guy..who?
: R kelly for having sex with a 14 year old girl. He also pissed in her face, that dirty fucker...Dave Chapelle did it best by revamping his song "I'm gonna pee on you"
: Rosie O'donnel, for being a real bitch..she was too good in a League of their Own to be a bitch.
: Michael jackson, for this recent child molestation case.....OBVIOUSLY. Even guiltier..the parents who okayed the sleepovers. They should rot in hell first.
: Jeffery jones, for taking naughty photos of a little boy...he was arrested the day after christmas. What a shame.
: O.J. simpson, for, well you know...of course he did it.
: ok, not really celebrities but:
: Scott peterson, for killing his wife and unborn can be such assholes. If he wanted out of the marriage..go buy milk and never come back like every other chicken shit guy who doesn't want to pay alimony or lose half of their retirement plan does.
: the parents of john benay Rhamsey...guilty of making up their daughter to look like a french whore.
: what do you think the chances are that Kevin's big news is that he will be on a celebrity reality tv show!...The "BIG NEWS" is that he's going for the Guinness World Records for most message board posts about the same subject over a span of two weeks.