Posted by Smalls at on January 25, 2004 at 02:20:49:
In Reply to: the hard truth about canada's "health care" posted by jamie863 on January 25, 2004 at 02:15:05:
A SARS death is a fluke death.
It's like dying from the chicken pox... no one expects to die from the chicken pox but it comes along, here and there.
Yeah yeah yeah, the line for non-threatening and cosmetic care in Canada is red-tapey but... bottom line... anyone who gets cancer or hit by a car in Canada gets cared for, no matter their socio-economic standing.
As it stands right now? I break my leg, I go broke and have to move back to Utica from sunny LA. Fucked up, no?
And the system through which grading is assessed isn't an accurate assessment of an educational system.
For all we know, the difference between a D- for a 65% or a 50% is off-set by 15% harder exams.
The keys are access to education and size of debt load after education... on both of which Hockeyland kicks our asses.