Posted by Championship_Vinyl at on January 21, 2004 at 09:25:35:
In Reply to: Can anyone settle an argument for me? posted by JimmyG on January 21, 2004 at 02:56:47:
College is awesome, because it teaches you about "real" life and skills you'll use forever. How to schedule your time, how to get along with others, how to work under a deadline... AND how to do some really kickass 20-count kegstands.
Okay, undergraduate degrees are a scam. Tuition goes up 20% every semester, with "computer lab" and "gymnasium" and "because-the-Dean-feels-like-it" fees tacked on. Most classes are recycled bullshit that teach you nothing except how to show up in order to take notes in order to go home and study in order to take a test. Lather, rinse, repeat. Most professors don't even care enough about their classes to prevent the circulation of copies of final multiple choice exams from 1976... even though they still use them.
I've learned more about "my major" since I've finished undergrad than all those hours of credits taught me. The only reason to go to college is to "earn" a stupid piece of paper that says you went, because when you sit down at a job interview, many employers tend to care about it. College is the expected norm used to get your proverbial "foot in the door" and not much else.
Only once you move on to advanced degrees are the teachings actually worth anything, and even then, it doesn't involve much practical learning.