Posted by SweetIrony at on January 21, 2004 at 14:30:47:
In Reply to: POLL internet friends posted by oldangelmidnight on January 21, 2004 at 13:11:45:
: ok this is inspired by a group of pople who REALLY pissed me off.
It wasn't us, was it?
: 1) have you ever made friends on the internet?
I've had a couple of cyber-friends.
: 2) if so how long did you stay friends?
No more than 4 weeks. That's my limit.
: 3) Have you seen them in person?
: 4) Have you ever ben stalked somone you met on the internet?
No, but I've been stalked in real life, so I'm wary.
: 5) Are people who hang out on the internet (excludong this place) generally fat, pale and nerdy and stuff?
According to what they tell me, they are all like Greek gods w/no less than 9 inch peni.
: 6)Why do people make preconcptions about people they've known on the internet for a week?
They believe in soul mates?
: 7) Ever had cyber sex? Did it do it for you?
Yes. (It was all the rage, I HAD to try it!) It wasn't a fraction as satisfying as the real thing, but it was interesting.
: 8) Are people on the internet really your friends or are they words on a screen? Did you make thenm what you wanted them to be?
Cyber-friends are not real friends . . . but I make everyone what I want them to be.
: 9) Did you miss me?
Yes, but (sorry) not nearly as much as I missed Xtian.
: ( i didn't think so)
: Sorry i am bitter and curious
That's ok, I'm bitter and spurious.