Posted by Strictly Skewed at on January 21, 2004 at 17:22:08:
In Reply to: Re: Thoughts... posted by Xtian on January 21, 2004 at 17:15:49:
: after you have done away with such petty concerns as overpopulation...
But hey now... overpopulation isn't even an issue anymore. We're so sickeningly busy with our time-saving devices, and working at jobs that do absolutely nothing for society that we no longer have enough TIME to have sufficent children to cause an overpopulation problem.
: and familial budgets, the only real question should be: can your body take the invasive and wrenching chaos that is a pregnancy. this goes for both men and women btw...although women will identify immediately with the physical repercussions of pregnancy, men with children know the risks you take whilst living with a woman ‘with child.’
My wife would probably kill me for saying this, but post-partum really hasn't been that much worse than the pregnancy itself...
: if you can use my experience to form a groundwork for this, don’t waste your time trying to kill everyone in a 5 mile radius around you in a preemptive first strike. as attractive a plan as that is, its ultimately self-defeating... as i post this from maximum security lockup.
Um... I don't think that one would come to mind, but thanks anyway.
: : LOL, but you've got to be careful about writing down that 'why aren't you a boy' shit. You never know when that might come back to haunt you.
: i've never been a huge fan of foresight, and i don't see why i should start now. anywho, its just the internet, no one reads this stuff, right?
: right?
Oh, but it's just the whole karma thing, you write it here, and it's out... once it's out, who knows what can happen.