Posted by Overweightbradpitt2 at on February 24, 2004 at 10:02:43:
Since I read somewhere on the board that you will be helping Kevin get
out the autographed posters from awhile ago, I was wondering if he had on
your "to do" list, anything about the "Get Published by Kevin Smith"
Wizards Edge contest? I know he is EXTREMELY busy these days, but the
last time I had the chance to ask him about it, he said he was waiting to
go through them after his house was fixed.
I know this is probably the last thing on his mind with JG coming out,
GH, the new Stash, etc, but I still know people that are curious to what
happened with the contest, and if anything will ever come of all the
entries. I'm pretty sure people would get a kick out of seeing what the
creative fans of Kevin's came up with. Maybe you could post them on the
web somewhere for all to enjoy.
Thanks for check'n.