Posted by Elorah Dannan at on March 24, 2004 at 01:00:12:
In Reply to: OK posted by MasterdeBater774 on March 24, 2004 at 00:49:53:
it's we know the factual events leading up to 9/11. We know who was involved and we know that it could happen again. Just because an optical illusion appears, it doesn't mean anything. And don't be sorry that this topic pisses people off.....It should. People who knew passengers on these flights live with what happened everyday. My situtation is different. I knew the pilot of flight 11. So I need to deal with, did he fly that plane into the WTC? No, I don't think he did. Then the next logical thought is....They had to of killed him......How? A switchblade to the throat? Was he sitting on the floor of the cockpit while the plane powerless while the plane hit the building....
it is just so much more deeper than theories and illusions.....