The lynchpin of View Askew, Scott 'I'm not
Canadian, eh!' Mosier is the
man behind the man. Producer of both 'Clerks' and 'Mallrats' (as well as
anything else the View ever does), Scott is a dual citizen of Canada and
the U.S. who (unlike other uber-indie producer Lawrence
B_nder) works his ass off. Together with Kev, he stands as part of the
ruling body of View Askew.
But let's not forget Scott's
contribution on the performance side. In
'Clerks', he played the immortal Willam, the Idiot Manchild (Snow-
ball, to close friends), as well as the angry, smoke-craving, roof
hockey player ("I'll knock your fucking teeth out and pass all over your
ass!"). And in 'Mallrats', he was Roddy, Svenning's obnoxious junior
assistant ("You called down the thunder, well now you got it!").
In addition to the affairs of
state, Scott likes to kick
back with comics and is a huge fan of both the movie 'The Doctor' and
actor/comedian Kevin Pollack (go figure).
Below - the legend that is Scotty Mo'.