Name: Ruth Adams
Age: 28
Location: Canberra Australia
Occupation: Project Manager.
Bio: I'm bad at these things. Um, I'm married to a great guy whom we shall call B, I work too hard, I don't get enough sleep, I love good food and good wine, I should exercise more and drink less, I'm a great cook, I mother everybody.
Actors: Johnny Depp, Martin Sheen, Alison Janney. Rob Lowe, Charlize Theron, Kiefer Sutherland, Donald Sutherland
Books: Anything by Feist, Tom Clancy, James Patterson, Tolkien.
Films: Finding Neverland, Blackhawk Down, Italian Job, Empire Records, Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink. I like most movies.
Hobbies: Shoes, I collect Shoes.
Music: Pearl Jam, Perfect Circle, Live, Eskimo Joe, Cake, Jeff Buckley, Counting Crows.
Quote: "Friends are the family you choose for yourself."
TV Show: West Wing.
VA Flick: Chasing Amy.