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Anghus' photo!Name: Anghus
Age: 33
Location: Wilmington, NC
Occupation: Filmmaker
Bio: Born in Florida, went to College in WV, moved to NC and started making movies.  I'm well travelled, been all over the place.  Now i'm old and a bit of a homebody.  I enjoy hanging out with my dog and my girlfriend, and i write all the time.  I'm also a habitual line stepper.


Actors: Sir Ian McKellan, Edward Norton.
Books: Spike, Mike, Slackers & Dykes, If Chins Could Kill.
Films: On the Waterfront, Fight Club, Clerks, Pulp Fiction.
Hobbies: Video games, poker, writing.
Music: XTC, They Might Be Giants.
Quote: "I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die, but then I got distracted & missed it."
TV Show: Black Adder, Family Guy.
VA Flick
: Clerks.