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Chilli's photo!Name: Ian Austin
Age: 21
Location: Aylesbury, somewhat nr. London.
Occupation: Unemployed writer
Bio: Lets see... unemployed, check; chill out, check; ah - I haven't posted that I have finished my University course, and in a few months will be officially overqualified for the short-term jobs I want, which will make a change from being technically overqualified.


Actors: Christopher Walken, John Malkovich, Jason Lee
Books: Men  at Arms - Terry Pratchett
Films: Donnie Darko, Pulp Fiction
Hobbies: Chilling, writing, message boards
Music: Nirvana, Foo Fighters
Quote: If you only look at what is, you might never attain what could be. - Unknown
TV Show: Prison Break
VA Flick: Chasing Amy
Websites: (because killing zombies inside a fictional reality setting is our God-given right.)