Name: Catherine
Age: 18
Location: Portsmouth, England
Occupation: Lazy Student
Bio: Not much to know about me...no, wait that's not the way to start a bio!! I'm really interesting, I swear! I've just finished college and am going to Uni to study Creative Writing and Film. I want to either be a screenwriter or film journalist. Film has only become my life over the past few years but it really has taken over! I drive everyone insane quoting films they haven't seen or talking constantly about movies. Come to think of it, none of my friends really like films...wow, I need to get some new friends! I have only discovered Kevin Smith and View Askew over the past month but have rapidly caught up and now own all the DVD's (yep, even Jersey Girl!)
Actors: Bill Paxton, Johnny Depp, Cate Blanchett, Jeff Anderson, Jason Lee, Kevin Spacey, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Campbell, Ted Raimi, Malcolm McDowell.
Books: Jurassic Park, The Discworld Series, The Wind Singer, If Chins Could Kill, The Hobbit.
Films: Aliens, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The Usual Suspects, Evil Dead 2, If...., Wayne's World, VA movies (duh!), Super Troopers, The Princess Bride, Star Wars (originals), Terminator 2, Pirates of the Caribbean...and loads more that I will kick myself for not mentioning!
Hobbies: Going to cons, writing, reading, theme parking (it's a phrase!)
Music: QUEEN!! Greatest band ever! Also: The Beatles, Duran Duran, Bon Jovi, Danny Elfman, Ennio Morricone, Annie Lennox.
Quote: VA: 'I love your sex talk, it's so kindergarten. Poo-poo, wee-wee' 'Fuck you' - Clerks. Non-VA: 'Turn it off, man! Turn it off! It's sucking my will to live!' - Wayne's World
TV Show: Xena.
VA Flick: Either Clerks or Clerks II, I'll need to see the latter again
Websites: IMDb, Empire Online, MySpace, Angry Alien