Smith A Holiks header! :: recipes from boardies!!


		doesnt have a photo yet.

Name: Kevin M.
Age: 18
Location: Shrewsbury MA
Occupation: Student / Staples Sales Associate
Bio: I don't have too much else to say that hasn't already been said, so I guess I should just en it about here. No maybe I'll tell how I suck at skateboarding but keep trying. I'm approching the end of my senior year at Shrwesbury High School, and I hope to go to college for Media Communications. I hate driving, and I can't get a girlfriend for the life of me. Want to be homies?


Actors: Natalie Portman, Jason Lee, Ben Affleck, Kirsten Dunst, Steve Buscemi.
: Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk, When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? by George Carlin.
Films: Fight Club, Punisher, Spider-Man 2, Seven Samurai, all VA movies, Grind, The Animation Show, Rejected, Boondock Saints.
Hobbies: Skateboarding, ska music, drums and bass, comic books, hanging out at the comic book store, most music, wating mroe movies then I should, same with TV, playing video games.
Links: ,
Music: Anything ska, punk or Metal. Especially The Aquabats.
Quote: "The Cheat totally freaks our when he see's a bear holding a shark."
TV Show: X-Play
VA Flick
: Clerks
