Name: John
Age: 23
Location: MA
Occupation: Police Dispatch
Bio: I'm not all that exciting. I work, I sleep, and I kill time in between. Overall I would say I'm a pretty awesome dude. If we hang out you'll like me. I pretend to be funny and charming, whether I actually am is up to you. I'm not wild about talking about myself so I'll leave it at that.
Books: Great Gatsby is good, although none of the characters are likeable.
Hobbies: Trying to exercise, reading, playing video games.
Music: Most rock will work.
Quote: "You win some, you lose some, you wreck some." - Dale Earnhardt
TV Show: 24, LOST.
VA Flick: Clerks.
Websites: Anything that can keep me entertained while I'm working the overnights.