Posted by Rev. Kerra at on December 13, 1999 at 11:20:06:
To Kevin Smith, actors, and think tank behind Dogma:
Thank you, thank you, thank you. As a renegate pastor with a mission to reinvent the church, I heartily thank you for this movie. I laughed, I cried, and I haven't looked at my congregations the same way since! The movie conveyed many of the thoughts I've tried to convey in much more subtle ways. I will heartily recommend it to others who are theologically thoughtful AND open-minded.
Of course, I did have to leave town to see this movie, but I know my laughter was probably disturbing others in the theatre. I haven't laughed that hard in a movie forever! It takes some deep knowledge of God's beautiful sense of humor to create such a masterpiece.
I could go on in full detail about numerous scenes and offer gushing praise, but you may not necessarily want to read all that. My husband and I keep talking about the movie and wishing there were some friends we could go with to see it again and again. We both said to each other after the 7 p.m. showing that we could turn around and see it again the same night.
The actors you chose were fantastic in their parts. Ben Afflick's change of heart in the parking garage, the skateboarders complete with fly sound affects, Allanis Morrisette as God - ALL FANTASTIC!
If I wouldn't lose my job, I'd show it to everyone I know, and I might do that anyway.
Thank you for opening my mind even more.
Rev. Kerra