Angels With Caucasian Faces...

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Posted by Lucifer Lyndon Razoodock at on May 30, 2000 at 16:49:32:

When Loki threw the sword down, did he look like Matt Damon?

Now, I'm not gonna kick-&-scream for the the brothers (not too hard, anyhow), but why do Bartleby and Loki look like two scoops of Anglo-vanilla ice cream?

Now, I know that The Powers (and their adversaries) posess a knack for recognizing one another, yet I've always felt that this was never fully a physical in, "I sense a presence I've not felt...since..."

Now, as a Gaiman-afficianado, I wouldn't imagine that they even looked like bi-peds towards the beginning...but what about the recent history of the angels? about throughout human history?

Has race and character been a consistent for the Heavenly Host (to say nothing of the abstract and the damned)?


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