Posted by Cathryn at on March 30, 2001 at 15:18:19:
Okay, okay, just the one guy, but still.
You know, I'm usually terribly nervous when I'm sending my first post to a firmly established online community, but not today. I mean, let's face it. No matter how lame, ridiculous, or stoned this post ends up being, I cannot possibly make a worse impression than 3eves.
*ahem* Let's see. My name is Cathryn, which is my real name, because I have never once been properly motivated to come up with an appropriate psuedonym. I come to be here thusly: a friend, in recommending the book "Good Omens" to me, described it as "a cross between 'Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy' and 'Dogma.'" Well, I'd already wanted to see "Dogma" anyway, (because of Alan Rickman - I just love him so much) and after I read the book I *really* wanted to see it. So, I finally namaged to last Wednesday, and I've watched it five more times since (this from someone who doesn't like to see the same movie more than twice in a *month*) and bought a copy of "Clerks," which I really really need to rewatch because I get the distinct feeling that I missed a lot.
And now that I've really and truly bored the hell out of all of you, I'd like to ask a question of the two and a half people still reading. What do you think of this idea: Bartleby as tragic hero. (Should there be a question mark there?) In terms of literature definitions, a tragic hero is a hero with a tragic flaw that ultimately serves as his downfall; pride is a common tragic flaw. It's the thesis for a paper I'm writing (because our English teacher will let us write about *anything*) and I'd really like to get some other peoples' insights on it because, quite frankly, I only have four sources for my paper and the minimum requirement is six. *g*
Not that I would know how to cite a message board posting anyway . . .
-- Cathryn