Posted by squiwi at on April 16, 2001 at 13:10:12:
In Reply to: You promised me funny, motherfucker.... posted by VioLenT BoB on April 16, 2001 at 00:40:59:
: Dude, I read your defenses from David Boring, but I have to tell you, when he said your script was a waste of time, he was telling the truth. Keep your parody of Shatner and West refusing to 'go quietly into that dark knight (get it?)' and chuck the rest.
Good one.
: That script truly wasted my life. It's about 60 minutes i'll never get back, and I read the whole thing so you can't say i just didn't read all of it.
: Here are a series of notes i made while reading it, since you three wrote it, I'm sure you'll know what parts they are referring to.
Thank you, this is helpful.
: First two words of script are fuck and shit
They are just two words.
: opening scene, highly reminscient of dante under covers instead of closet/alarm clock instead of phone/ both smell shirt, just typical stupid shit.
Typical stupid shit. That is what we were going for. All the characters do in there everyday lives are stupi shit-- hence they are bored.
: Even the backyard hose, dare I say, Pulp FictioN?
: Damn, you called it a pop bottle! I HATE people that call soda, pop.
It is pop. Plain and simple.
: DOC brown thing is absolutely unfunny. As live action anyway.
: In an animation in the style of south park/slimshadyworld episodes it MIGHT work.
Just another Family Guy type humor.
: Jay just seems a LITTLE TOO BRODYISH, i realize from your posts that thats what you are going for. But hey, how many drug dealer movies would you watch if they ALL acted like Tony Montana?
He might be. That is a concern. One of my friends is a huge fan of Kevin Smith. I on the other hand am not as obsessed and do think they are a little too close.
You can never ever have enough fat jokes. I mean how else are fat people gonna become self-consious about there weight.
: avoid parentheticals denoting mood...just a little screenplay tip, that's for the director and the actor to work out how they want to play it, it also breaks up the read...(my opinion)
: The retarded thing really doesn't work, but hey, i get the style it's in these little 3 second inserts a la family guy.
I agree. My friend doean't.
: Shabam is moderately funny as a parody of Shaq's Shazam.
: Macauley Culkin bit was done on THE CRITIC i believe.
: Simpsons yoink comes off as unfunny and all your secondary characters are HORRIBLE stereotypes.
Which ones are you refering to?
: Again I encourage you to consider animation if anything, this movie would blow live action.
: Gremlin thing was the most predictable gag of the movie.\
Even getting jit by the bird?
: Again Jay reflects Banky instead of Brodie with the porn gag.
I wouldn't know.
: Quick thing, if you take a nine o clock flight out of california you and it takes 4 hours, you aren't going to arrive in Chicago until 3am.
: Time Zones boys, Time Zones.
We meant that they would come home nine o'clock Chicago time. Your right we probaly should change it to seven o'clock Pacific time.
: "Yeah, ain't it cool?"--Face/OFf?
: "What the shit are we gonna do now?" Spoken by a character named Jay? Damn, man.
: "ooh, Jefferson airplane?" please man
: Casino meets Reservoir Dogs only real bad...ooh Jay's gonna get hurt, by this point in your script i should care whether he does or not, and i don't.
That is your opinion.
: Punching JarJar vaguely reminiscient of Ace Ventura and the Philadelphia Eagle.
Yeah most things are reminiscient of something.
: Yet another stereotype the Japanese Tourists...
Big deal.
: Mr. Toad's wild ride.
Hey what's wrong with the ride.
: Happy Gilmore poker dance?
: Shatner, Coleman, west is Mildly amusing
Damn straight.
: WHy is the street thug black? Have you ever even been out of your hometown, like Ever?
: Spanish translation? Michael what would you like, an egg in your beer?
: Dude, did you have anything above 1st year high school spanish?
We know. It was put in there to get a reaction from any Spanish speaking people just like yours.
: That's about it. The ending blew. The plot blew. And you have absolutely no sense of the world around you. In closing. Time Zones mother fucker time zones.
I would disagree.
: And you can't get a one way ticket to chicago from LA sameday for two hundred dollars unless old doc brown pulls up in his time machine and takes you back to 1972.
: VB
In conclusion, thank you for the honest and sometimes helpful critism. This is what we were looking for and not just someone swearing at us. Oh wait.