Re: yes. Gibberish. And so is your reply.

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Posted by TheMojoPin at on August 08, 2001 at 01:30:50:

In Reply to: yes. Gibberish. And so is your reply. posted by Grendel__ on August 08, 2001 at 00:16:58:

: : Burton/Spielberg/Lucas have made a choice, not lost their chops.

: ****No. You are wrong. If you know your history then you know Orson Welles made a choice. Put this movie out and suffer a career long exile or "clean" it up ( or better yet don't release it at all)and go on to the next project.

: ****HOOK was a good choice?? A.I was not "losing his chops"? so to speak??
: I ask you this: Are you saying Sleepy Hollow had the same inventiveness and ( for lack of a better term ) "weirdness" as Family Dog? (ROB)

And just what was so great about "Family Dog"? Wow, creepy art student with a Cure fetish makes a Frankenstein parody. With a dog. Hooooo-ray. Look, I like "Family Dog," it's very entertaining, but I think it's as artistically shallow as POTA or "Mars Attacks." Hell, if anything is a victim of being overwhelmed by the "Burton-look," "Family Dog" is a perfect example! Your argument just doesn't really make any sense. I could easily flip it around and say Lynch is too wrapped up in making his films seem like the model of "Lynch-tastic" just because he consistently makes weird, fucked up films. I can kind of see what you're trying for, but it doesn't really apply. To me, a film like "Sleepy Hollow" is Burton trying to throw-back to the "Burton-style," not a generic piece of monkey madness like "Apes." And don't knock Spielberg. People bash him for making so much money, and yes, he has made some poor films, "Hook" being one. "Color Purple" being another IMHO. "A.I." too, just because it's such a confused, bi-polar mess of a film. And "Pvt. Ryan," while being the most technically stunning war film I have EVER seen, has one of the most shameless sappy, American-loving, inconsisten, pointlessly sentimental scripts I have ever seen. But, the one thing I ALWAYS get across from Spielberg's film is that here is a flick by someone who is still just in awe of what movies can do" what he can see up there, what he can make us see, and I'll always appreciate him for that. Guys like Burton seem to have lost that thrill...Scorsese, Coppola, Lucas, all former greats who may churn out a "technically" good film now and then, but seem very cold and analytical, like cranky old teachers or something...


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