yes. Gibberish. And so is your reply.

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Posted by Grendel__ at on August 08, 2001 at 00:16:58:

In Reply to: Gibberish, you say???... posted by Timelord on August 07, 2001 at 22:41:05:

or perhaps its just plain insulting

****Yes a bit. Thanks for catching it. Good Job. ( Rob)

I feel a great sense of disappointment for Mr. Burton. His films have been forever visually stunning. The problem I have is thus: over time his films have been more about the "Tim Burton Look" than the story. Every one liked Beetlejuice and Pee-Wee. ( If you say you didn't then you are either 1: lying or 2: not that aware of the world of films).

: Nice, Grendel. If our tastes don't conform to your tastes, we're deceitful or ignorant. Way to win friends and influence people, dude. ***Strike 1.***

We all breathed a sigh of relief when we saw how BATMAN turned out in all its WAGNERIAN ( look it up) glory. Then something happened.

: Yeah. Then, you insulted your reader's intelligence--again. After all, Wagner is one of those really obscure cultural touchstones.
: ***Steeerike 2.***

****What???? Um..........ah...........What?? Be a little clearer with your witty replies. ( Rob)

I don't know what. Could it have been his famous blow up with Danny Elfman? ( Since reconciled). Could it have been the constant praise of his visual style? More likely. Nightmare Before Christmas was a wonderful project. NOT directed by Burton however. Based on ( much ) earlier source material.
So you see where I'm going with this.
I wish he would take a lower budget movie and re-create some of the magic of his earlier work. Maybe that's not possible. Look at Speilberg. Same thing. All style no substance. ( Don't go yelling about Pvt. Ryan and Shindler........many, many hands on those 2 projects.)
Look at Lucas. It happens. The only one that I can honestly say it DIDN'T happen to is David Lynch. His films are still creepy and disturbing as ever. And yes I did see The Straight Story.

Hate not the man because he "dissed" Kevin. Hate him because he really cannot direct himself out of traffic any more.
: ***Strike 3.***

****ok, so we SHOULD hate him because he dissed Kevin??? Riiight. (Rob)

: Dude, Hollywood is about 2 things...

: 1) getting the babe(s) of whatever gender (don't come to beat my ass, GLAAD); and
: 2) cash. moola. benjamins.

: Real art is hard, has a necessarily narrow appeal, and therefore a much lower return in terms of babes/money for time invested.

What exactly is your definition of "real art"?? As opposed to "fake art"?
I'm sure Leonardo Davinci is juuuuust about rolling over in his grave right about now. Looks like SOMEONE has been reading the Voice a little too much. ( ROB)

: Burton/Spielberg/Lucas have made a choice, not lost their chops.

****No. You are wrong. If you know your history then you know Orson Welles made a choice. Put this movie out and suffer a career long exile or "clean" it up ( or better yet don't release it at all)and go on to the next project.

****HOOK was a good choice?? A.I was not "losing his chops"? so to speak??
I ask you this: Are you saying Sleepy Hollow had the same inventiveness and ( for lack of a better term ) "weirdness" as Family Dog? (ROB)

: ***I'm out.***
yes evidently you are.(R)

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