Is this part of you shamelessly sucking?

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Posted by Darth Dobbin at on August 08, 2001 at 01:50:17:

In Reply to: Is this part of you not shamlessly plugging? posted by OldSchoolBitch on August 08, 2001 at 01:34:22:

Do the folks who are unfortunate enough to be around you have their mouths in a constant pucker, due to the waves of "bitter" that come off you?

I have access to the site's traffic logs--there are PUH-lenty of folk coming in (and staying around) that are from all over the web. The site's doing smashingly well in the popularity department, thanks, though, for your suggestions.

Please, continue to do whatever you feel is neccessary to feel better about yourself.. By "chewing out" a successful, blindingly talented screenwriter (who, by the by, is friends with the director you mentioned because of "proving himself," talent-wise.), I'm sure you got a nice, smug glow. I only hope it lasts long enough to push away those nagging feelings of self-loathing, and futility when you look around yourself at who and whatever YOU are, just long enough for you to put down that razor, and not press it softly into your wrist, praying for the courage to push just a little bit harder.

Yep. The folks at Henson only bought Lynch's script because he was friends with Kevin Smith. It's true. Also, the people at Warner Brothers and Artisan. Has **nothing** to do with his talent, or wit.

Really. Try to believe it. Try to believe the ONLY reason you don't have success, and a "fanbase" is because you weren't lucky enough to have a successful friend. That's why a major motion picture company hasn't bought YOUR script, and is planning on making it a giant summer blockbuster. 'Cuz, y'know, that's the ONLY reason why it's the case for Lynch.


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