Is this part of you not shamlessly plugging?

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Posted by OldSchoolBitch at on August 08, 2001 at 01:34:22:

In Reply to: In honor of JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK... posted by BrianLynch on August 08, 2001 at 00:41:12:

: ...I've had the new MALE SAC letter column over at Pat's site be hosted by Kevin. I think you'll like.

You offered up nothing but misleading statements and shameless plugging. Sad. Do you have any fans that are not Viewaskew Regulars? What would you do if Kevin Smith was not a popular filmmaker? would you still do the site for your mom, dad, and the sister with the weird twitch? Do you think people come to the VA Board for you? But ya know, it's your thing. You go for it 100%, kiddo.

Hey, here is an idea. I hear that other Directors and people who are actually famous are opening up these type of wwwboards all the time. Why don't YOU go get buddy buddy with all of them and then you can shamelessly plug your wares there too. This is a great idea, no? Then you will never EVER have to actually prove yourself.

I now await the blind followers to come to your defense. Those guys are GREAT and totally cool for getting your back all the time.

"Hey, Lynch! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAALOLHAHAHAHAHAAH You are The MAN! Now I have to go read what you said."


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