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Posted by Fucking Boner at on August 08, 2001 at 10:58:58:

What GLADD is doing is also known as extortion. No different than how Jesse Jackson shakes down Budweiser or Toyota. No different than what Al Sharpton does on a smaller scale in the east.

If it pisses off GLAAD, you shouldn't be able to pay them off.
It boils down to GLADD saying "Oh we're really Angry until our bank account hits "This number"" - You paying the fee to get them off your back.

I'm curious to see this disclaimer you felt compelled to add to your film due to pressure from the people at GLADD.

I think it's also retarded that Kevin publically defends his film, then adds a disclaimer to the film? If you've done nothing wrong, why the disclaimer? Choose a side of the issue and stay there Kevin!

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