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Posted by GLaadBag at on August 08, 2001 at 11:30:05:

In Reply to: GLADD EXTORTION posted by Fucking Boner on August 08, 2001 at 10:58:58:

: What GLADD is doing is also known as extortion. No different than how Jesse Jackson shakes down Budweiser or Toyota. No different than what Al Sharpton does on a smaller scale in the east.

: If it pisses off GLAAD, you shouldn't be able to pay them off.
: It boils down to GLADD saying "Oh we're really Angry until our bank account hits "This number"" - You paying the fee to get them off your back.

: I'm curious to see this disclaimer you felt compelled to add to your film due to pressure from the people at GLADD.

: I think it's also retarded that Kevin publically defends his film, then adds a disclaimer to the film? If you've done nothing wrong, why the disclaimer? Choose a side of the issue and stay there Kevin!

Wow extortion. Congragulations you are the first to post about this. Man and I usually read into things very well. I must be slipping.

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