Re: My two cents....

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Posted by TheMojoPin at on August 08, 2001 at 12:33:35:

In Reply to: My two cents.... posted by Me and Walt think you suck on August 08, 2001 at 11:53:57:

: I saw Planet of the Apes and Made and I liked them, I thought they were good films, just like all of Kevin's movie's.

Here's what I think about the flicks, just because:

POTA left me really disappointed. I was at least expecting the movie to be far darker and and surreal, a la most of Burton's other flicks. The makeup was cool, and the fact that the monkeys seemed like monkeys was pretty impressive, but otherwise I was really let down. Mark Whalberg just cruised through the movie like he wasn't even there. I didn't feel anything for his character, positive or negative. He just served as a tool to show us some more monkey shenanigans. Heston in the original film made you feel for the fact that he was essentially all alone on this planet: he showed shock, anger, fear, etc., and you actually felt bad for the guy at points. The "message" of the first film was lost, as well....the first one was packed with social commentary/satire, only traces of which made it to the new one. It's like the modern version was just a cliff notes version of the original when it came to the "message." And the ending, the ending! Look, I got the ending walking out of the theater, but with a movie this intentionally dumb, you shouldn't suddenly flip scripts and try to make the audience think at the end. It throws off the flow of the film: either you have a "thinking film" or an enjoyable, dumb action flick, and this film desperately tried to be both, leaving the audience at the wayside.

"Made" I really liked. Very funny and enjoyable, even if it basically was "Swingers" joins the mob. I was suprised how good Puffy was, and the movie was just generally damn funny. BUT....Favreau is keeping company with Guy Ritchie here, in that he's basically made two very enjoyable films that are essentially just copies of each other with slight twists. It doesn't bother me YET that he's basically written the same movie twice, but if it happens again, I'm gone...same for Ritchie.


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