My two cents....

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Posted by Me and Walt think you suck at on August 08, 2001 at 11:53:57:

All these things that have been going on are going on in Kevins life not ours. My life nor does any of yours change if GLADD attacks Kevin's movie's or if Tim Burton or Jon Favreau says something nasty about him. Everybody is allowed to think what they think. I don't think GLADD is right and I wrote them a letter stating it but I didn't think it was right to sit on the board and ask Kevin to be my friend because I supported him. I saw Planet of the Apes and Made and I liked them, I thought they were good films, just like all of Kevin's movie's. I come on this board to find out things about the movies, to listen to whatever others have to say about the movies, the one thing we all have in common and when I first started it was like that, now it's who ever could be first to kiss his ass. Supporting the man is one thing but this is plain Kevin Smith ass-kissing but do what you wish, just had to vent................. I

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