May I ask or point out something?

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Posted by Neil at on August 08, 2001 at 16:10:53:

In Reply to: VA Message Board: Attack of the Clones posted by GLaadBag on August 08, 2001 at 15:47:57:

I agree, and have stated probably too many times in the last couple of days, that this board is filled with far too many knee-jerks who are trying desperately to be More Kevin Than Kevin, so this isn't in direct response to this post.

Below you stated your wariness that Kevin's habit of stating his negative opinions towards other filmmakers and their work will eventually get him in trouble and stating or implying that this situation with Tim Burton was a case of this. Am I correct?

The thing I'm having trouble with, however, is I never actually saw him comment on the film or really on Burton. The similarity between the comic panel and the ending of Burton's POTA was an amusing coincidence and worthy of comment. Kevin chose – however wisely or unwisely it was – to comment on this by making a deadpan joke about legal action. I understood it as a joke, as did any number of others, however many people missed the joke and either thought he was being a bit ridiculous or leapt into outrage over the injustice done to their Fearless Leader.

Presumably Burton or, more likely, the person who brought the issue to his attention didn't catch the joke. That would put them in with, I would speculate, the majority of people on this board – certainly the vocal majority.

So, perhaps Kevin was unwise to make the joke in so deadpan a fashion, he didn't really insult Tim Burton except to question his sense of humor in regard to Burton's response.

What I see isn't Kevin doing anything wrong really in this case – although I'm not necessarily against him stating his opinion, nor am I against Burton stating his, but I'll concede that temporarily for the sake of this point – just possibly poorly considered or hasty in not realizing how his little joke would play outside the room he was sitting in, and how that could look considering earlier times when he has openly criticized other filmmakers.

Is your take remarkably different? I'm interested in hearing.

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