Posted by Isis at on September 19, 2001 at 14:51:51:
Well, as they say, no news is good news, and that couldn't be more appropriate as of late.
I've been out of town these past few days and thus didn't see your beg for info, Jill. Nothing good to tell you: I went to go pick up some tickets for myself today, only to be told (as I suspected) that not only did they sell out on the first day they were made available to students, they sold out within the first couple of hours.
So, like I told ya, Smitty is popular in Ithaca. But I'm not going down without a fight (unless we're in love, wink wink). I'm going to PROTEST. I don't know what I'm protesting exactly, but I plan to go make a ruckus outside the auditorium until I am hauled away. I'll be the one shouting random phrases from P.T. Anderson movies and throwing stinky blue sweatshirts at those who cross my one-woman picket line. Oh yes...there will be hell to pay.
Ah, it's what I expected. And nothing really seems that bad in comparison to reality these days, does it boys and girls?
-- i
C'est la vie, c'est la doody. Hold on to your regret!