Re: Who's this Bryan character

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Posted by God of Cowpies. at on November 17, 2001 at 03:52:24:

In Reply to: Who's this Bryan character posted by BrianLynch on November 17, 2001 at 03:13:00:

You do not know now how many sleepless nights I have laid in my bed and fantasized about smelling your hair, and softly caressing your back. Perhaps then leading you into the bedroom and telling you how beautiful you are after I pulled open your bathrobe. We would hold each other gently and dance to some soft music while the cool summers evening breeze would drift in from the open window. "I'm ready" You would say in that almost nervous and yet excited way you do. Your eyes never leave mine as I hold your soft hair firmly in my tight fist, as my hot warm love would enter and exit your mouth, over and over again. I would have to resist all urges to finish in your your gentle mouth by my need to please you leads me to gently bend you over so that we could continue until our passion was too much for either of us to bear. Then still inside you, we would fall asleep and stay that way as long as we could. I love you brian. I always have and I always will.. You be strong, you survive... You stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you. No matter how long it takes, no matter how far, I will find you. Chicken Sandwich Carl. Chicken sandwich.

: And why does he love Harry so much? I just don't get it. Potter-mania is odd.

: : First off, thanks for reading my message. I honestly don't know how hairy you are or how huge for that matter. But I knew it would make your mouse click my way...fag.

: First off, thanks for posting such an intelligent diatribe. I am honored to be a part of it. And homophobia rules supreme. It's very odd strange that you act like you do not like the "fags" yet you get all flirty with your "make your mouse click my way" taunts. I'm picking up your message loud and clear. You looooooove the men and you haaaaaaaaaaate yourself for it. And you shouldn't. You're okay. You're YOU. God only made one YOU and everyone else is different be proud of that.

: : You once were making a documentary about vulgarthon 98. Me and the Lord of the Pants were going to be in it. We have been waiting patiently for 3 years now, That's a lot of years. Three to be exact.

: I wasn't making any documentary. I was asked to hold the microphone and find the most pathetic people I could. Lo and behold, you and "lord of the pants" (I get it! lord of the PANTS, genius) were chosen. Read into this what you will.

: :So put down the Big Helium Dog 2 script and get your red ass back to the red headed red bank step child you abandoned, oh so long ago (3 years)

: BHDY2K+1 is written. I've actually put some of the funnier stuff into funnier scripts. Thanks for asking, fan o' mine.

: : By the way. Drawing flies sucked. I know you had nothing to do with the movie really. But it is fun to post on the viewaskew board, because brother it did!

: Maybe you just didn't get Drawing Flies, with it's many words and quickly moving images. When it comes out on DVD, get your parents to put it into the DVD player and have them watch it at slow speed. That'll be easier for you and Lord of the Comedy.

: Take care, and remember, suicide is the most noble act one can perform under the right circumstances. And everything's coming together for you to be the noblest.

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