Posted by Nifty at on November 20, 2001 at 05:03:40:
In Reply to: Geez, you guys need to start going to posted by Menlo Park Rat on November 20, 2001 at 00:08:34:
Here is a wonderful bit of Lucas trivia I'm suprised you do not know. When Bantam Books released the first new trilogy (Zahn's Dark Force Rising series) it was officially the continuation of the the universe as agreed between them and Lucasfilm (Mostly due the fact that Lucas said he had no interest in the universe anymore). These books sold like mad. Bestsellers and all. So after a few years, I'd say somewhere along the second trilogy of books or maybe the third, Lucas came along and said oh by the way I decided I'm going to make a new movie so you stuff is no longer part of continuity. So any true star wars fan relies solely on the original trilogy, the Bantam series of books, not the newer ones anymore, and the Star Wars RPG sourcebooks, paying attention to the money grubber is rather pointless.